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Factors Influencing the Working Efficiency of Stainless Steel Vacuum Pump

2018-12-07 15:51:00

As stainless steel vacuum pump has good corrosion resistance and high working efficiency, it is often used to extract vacuum in industrial production, but in the use process, the pump also often has the problem of low working efficiency. What causes this? Vacuum pump manufacturers for you summarized the following factors affecting the efficiency of the pump, you can understand.

1. Steam pressure: Low steam pressure and pressure fluctuation will directly affect the pumping capacity of stainless steel vacuum pump, so the steam pressure should not be lower than the required working pressure. In addition, to ensure that the steam pressure supplied by the boiler is stable, as far as possible, a boiler is dedicated to the steam injection pump to provide working steam, so that the steam pressure will not fluctuate and ensure the stability of the vacuum pump.

2. Pumping temperature: The lower the pumping temperature is, the larger the pumping capacity is. However, due to the operating conditions of the condenser, the pumping temperature is generally higher than the design temperature (20 C), but the pumping pressure is generally below 10 kPa, so the pumping temperature has little effect on the working efficiency of the vacuum pump.

3. Circulating cooling water: When the supply of cooling water is insufficient, the condenser will heat up, the sound of air flow will increase, the vacuum will drop rapidly, and even the steam will return to the exhaust pipe, so the temperature of condensate water is lower than the full temperature under this pressure.

4. Nozzles: Nozzles are important components that affect the performance of vacuum pumps. The existing problems are: nozzles are misfitted, misfitted, blocked, damaged, corroded and leaked. No matter what preventive measures are taken, the blockage of nozzles is inevitable.

5. Use environment: The influence of environment mainly refers to the pollution of pumped gas to the system. In the process of disposal of molten steel, a lot of gas will be released from the molten steel. At the same time, some fine particles such as oxide powder will be sucked into the vacuum pump. These particles will accumulate and adhere to the pump body, which reduces the flow conductivity of the pumping pipeline, prolongs the pumping time and reduces the pumping function.

In actual production, the main factors affecting the working efficiency of stainless steel vacuum pump are pressure, temperature, working environment and so on. Therefore, we should pay attention to these five factors when using the equipment in the future to avoid using errors, so as to better use the equipment.

Yan Li Yang:18606439911
Baita Industrial Park, Boshan District, Zibo City.

Shandong Lubo Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright  LuICP No. 2021043684-1 Technical: ZBOK