Common Problem

Causes and Solutions of Vacuum Pump Vibration

2018-12-07 15:53:00

After a period of time, the vacuum pump will have different degrees of vibration, if the vibration amplitude is large, it will seriously affect the performance of the vacuum pump. So, what causes the vacuum pump to have a large vibration? How should we solve this problem when it arises?
1. Vibration caused by fluid action
For example, the working point of the vacuum pump deviates from the ideal efficiency point seriously, resulting in uneven liquid flow and unstable recirculation in the blade, and cavitation caused by local pressure reduction.
2. Vibration due to mechanical reasons
Such as unbalanced rotor assembly, misalignment of pump, motor and coupling, bending of shaft, wear of gear tooth surface, oil film oscillation of sliding bearing, non-circular or inside and outside of rolling bearing track and ball, ring falling off, excessive resonance of pipeline caused by unreasonable design or thermal expansion, loosening of anchor bolt, etc.
1. Dynamic balancing method: The inertia force of eccentric wheel and sliding valve can be balanced by analysis and calculation, then adding balancing wheel and adding counterweight or balancing wheel on the pulley.
2. Installation of mechanical shock absorber: This device is mostly used in high-speed pumps and pumps with high pumping speed, for example, the method of installing shock absorber on pump base is used to reduce vibration.
3. Adjusting the structure: Adjusting the structure of the vacuum pump.
In the process of using vacuum pump, the large vibration is mostly caused by two factors: fluid action and mechanical reasons. We should first analyze the specific causes, so as to facilitate the adoption of targeted solutions.

Yan Li Yang:18606439911
Baita Industrial Park, Boshan District, Zibo City.

Shandong Lubo Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright  LuICP No. 2021043684-1 Technical: ZBOK